Eldorado Peak by Dorado needle via Inspiration Traverse / 埃爾多拉多峯

  • Reading time:5 mins read

Eldorado Peak by Dorado Needle overlooks Inspiration Glacier above Cascade River. Inspiration Traverse passes through the east flank to Tricouni Peak. Meanwhile, its nearest taller neighbor sits five miles to the southeast.

Eldorado Peak straight ahead
Eldorado Peak straight ahead

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Eldorado Peak at a Glance

Access: Cascade River Road @ mile 18.5
Round Trip: TBD
Elevation Range: 2160′-8868′
Gear: helmet, crampons, ice ax, rope
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: no pets

The Preface on Eldorado Peak

Eldorado Peak has been on the radar since I started going after the Bulger List. And today, I got to climb it with Seattle Mountaineers. Several nearby peaks were also on the list, but I would return for them later.

There was no shortage of steep terrain on this climb. Despite the massive rocks lower down, they were easy to hop through, yet annoying going the other way. But the crux was going from the car to the boulder field as I sweat in buckets.

The endless boulder field
The endless boulder field

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Inspiration Glacier to the Knife Edge

The team finally reached the top of the meadows after enormous effort. Then, we crossed the notch before losing the hard-earned altitude to descend into Eldorado Basin. Once at the bottom, we immediately regained the elevation.

The teams roped up through Eldorado Glacier and Inspiration Glacier. That part had gone by in the blink of an eye and was a total blur. After slogging up the east ridge, we finally stood before the infamous knife edge.

The infamous knife edge
The infamous knife edge

See more trip photos here.

Eldorado Peak Plus Exit

The online photos I found didn’t do the peak justice! Walking over the snow arête was also surreal, wide enough for one person. We all moved slowly, trying not to lose footing before reaching the dry rocks on top.

The misty weather didn’t offer much view. But I got a photo of Snowking Mountain and Mutchler Peak in the south. The clouds sometimes shifted to view the nearby peak, but not long enough to shoot anything decent.

Overall, it was a long 14.5-hour day, car to car. But we all made it down safely.

Exiting Inspiration Glacier with Forbidden Peak and Buckner Mountain
Exiting Inspiration Glacier with Forbidden Peak and Buckner Mountain

See more trip photos here.

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