Stickerbush Hill by Platts Lookout in Marckworth State Forest / 黑莓莖山丘

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Stickerbush Hill by Platts Lookout lies inside Marckworth State Forest. Near the south is Moss Lake Natural Area, sitting atop Tolt River by Lake Joy. Meanwhile, the river flows southwest into Snoqualmie River in Carnation, Washington.

Labrador playtime by Swans Mill Pond below Stickerbush Hill
Labrador playtime by Swans Mill Pond below Stickerbush Hill

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Stickerbush Hill at a Glance

Access: Swan Mill Road
Round Trip: 7 miles
Elevation Range: 500′-1390′
Gear: none
Route Info: Greg Slayden, Scott Rice
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes
Driving Music: Alex Kehm

Swan Mill Road

It may be our last visit to explore named high points in the state forest. But who knows? We may return should the provisional peaks get a name other than “Peak 1234.” At any rate, we’ve overstayed our welcome after four weeks.

Today we started from the same place as last week while visiting Hill 1125. We soon dipped south on Swan Mill Road to the lowest point. It briefly went outside the state forest before re-entering to become Swan Loop Road.

Mount Si and friends from the road fork
Mount Si and friends from the road fork

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Looping Through the Clear-Cut Forest

Under two miles from the car, we went uphill by the big rocks at the fork. The loop road continued, crossing North Fork Road before veering up through Swans Mill Pond. Soon, we passed the open gate and turned right at the junction.

The road would end in under one mile over a few down trees. Then the summit was only .25 mile west through massive ferns and small windfalls. Only in the final 500′ did we contend with blackberry bushes and a sea of tree litter.

A little bit of a view near the summit
A little bit of a view near the summit

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Stickerbush Hill Summit

After weaving through the debris, we reached the flat forested top among the brush. We took a break and soon dropped south through a spur road. But navigating through the brambles took some time to reach the main path.

The loop gave spotty views and brought us back to Swan Loop Road. Then we took a side trip to the quiet Swans Mill Pond, which gets its water from Stossel Creek. Afterward, arriving back at the gate was only half a mile uphill.

The rain came at 11 AM on the dot. But most importantly, the mosquitoes have arrived!

Puget Sound from the road below Stickerbush Hill
Puget Sound from the road below Stickerbush Hill

See more trip photos here.

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