Glacier Peak via White Chuck Glacier + North Fork Sauk River Trail / 冰川峯

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Glacier Peak, aka Dakobed, is one of the five notable volcanoes in Washington State. Located inside Glacier Peak Wilderness, it’s the #6 tallest peak after Mount Baker and before Sherman Peak. Because of its isolation, most groups spend a few days climbing this magnificent massif.

First glimpse of Glacier Peak
First glimpse of Glacier Peak

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Glacier Peak at a Glance

Access: North Fork Sauk River Trailhead
Round Trip: TBD
Elevation Range: 2080′-10520′
Gear: helmet, crampons, snow, rock
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: with guidance

The Preface

This climb was incredibly popular among the Mountaineers groups. As a basic climb, many students in the course fought hard for a spot on listed trips. But I lucked out at the last minute when a fellow student canceled after our trip to Mount Baker.

I couldn’t remember the last time forecast on Labor Day weekend was this promising. But it was super exciting to come face to face with the famous peak at last. Then it ended up being gorgeous during our three-day outing.

Still a ways away
Still a ways away

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Day One: White Chick Glacier Camp

South route to White Pass through North Fork Sauk River Trail and Mackinaw Shelter was long. For me, it was also the most extended backpacking trip. But I was fortunate to be with eight other folks to help pass the time.

Along the way, we stopped for food and layer breaks and kept a good pace as a group. I didn’t even begin to comprehend the magnitude of the mountain. At least not until we got the first glimpse five miles to the south. So it blew my mind entirely.

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Day Two: Glacier Peak Climb

Persistent morning clouds had been hiding the top of Glacier Peak ever since we set foot onto Cool Glacier. Then they continued to linger for a while until we reached the base of the summit block.

But as we made our way up the final 800′, the clouds lifted suddenly. So we treated ourselves with abounding during our extended summit visit. At the same time, we enjoyed a variety of baked goods.

Group Kodak moment on Glacier Peak
Group Kodak moment on Glacier Peak

See more trip photos here.

Day Three: Exit

Our exit on day three also felt like a long time. But it was mainly the part from the shelter back to the car. It was such a memorable trip with a strong group. I very much look forward to what the next season will bring.

So long, White Pass
So long, White Pass

See more trip photos here.

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