Teanaway Ridge by Bearjack Ridge in Teanaway Backcountry / 提安那威脊

  • Reading time:5 mins read

Teanaway Ridge by Bearjack Ridge lies in Teanaway Backcountry. To the east rests Old Pass Hill and Table Mountain, overlooking Blewett Pass. Moreover, Iron Bear Trailhead directly accesses the ridgetop.

Teanaway Ridge high point ahead
Teanaway Ridge high point ahead

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Teanaway Ridge at a Glance

Access: NF-9714
Round Trip: 4.2 miles
Elevation Range: 3580′-4943′
Gear: none
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes

Road 9714

After seeing the dire forecast, we went up Teanaway Ridge after yesterday’s trip instead of Chelan Mountains. Other than Teanaway Peak and Teanaway Butte, we need Teanaway Point and Teanaway Mountain to complete the set.

We were close to Bearjack Ridge, which we visited two years ago. The road to the Iron Bear Trailhead was in decent shape but dusty. Soon, we parked 0.25 mile before the trailhead to avoid the late starters on the trail.

Road 9714
Road 9714

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Traversing North-East Ridge

We crossed Iron Creek to the south through the light brush on the minor east ridge. Soon, the open forest allowed us to move efficiently to Point 4465 off the main ridgeline. Then we bypassed Point 4465 and reached the ridge trail afterward.

From the trail, we then hiked south toward the high point. I expected to see people here but saw none since it was still early; they probably would show up later. Views in the forest were mainly spotty.

Mount Stuart and Sherpa Peak
Mount Stuart and Sherpa Peak

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Teanaway Ridge High Point Plus Exit

We reached the top after walking over a mile with open east views. I could see Table Mountain and Lion Rock but peeked through branches to see Miller Peak and Stuart Range. Red Top Mountain was the only thing visible on the south side.

During our break on the east slope, a couple came up from the south but didn’t stay long. Exiting the ridge, we met a second couple with a pup. Soon, we left the trail and went east to Point 4465 before quickly descending back to Iron Creek.

Leaving Teanaway Ridge
Leaving Teanaway Ridge

See more trip photos here.

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