Photos from this trip can be found here.
The goal was to do both Teanaway and Bill’s Peaks, but we ran out of time time and needed to get back to town early.
Got to the trailhead a little before 8 and there were only two cars in the lot. My feeling was that there wouldn’t be nearly as many people going up Beverly Creek Trail; most seem to prefer going up Bean Creek. More “me” time for me…and the dogs. Beautiful morning, a little chilly at the trailhead, but warmed up soon as we started hiking. It didn’t take long before we reached the Beverly Creek/Fourth Creek junction, and the saddle between Iron and Teanaway was only about half a mile ahead. Funny to see the area without the snow since we did Iron three months prior. Getting up to the peak from saddle required class 3 climbing in a couple of place, totally doable as long as you watch your steps for loose rocks.
It just dawned on me that insect repellent was not used during the entire trip and there were barely any bugs around for some reason. Beautiful views on the summit as on any other Teanaway peaks as always. Somehow I misread the route info to Bill’s. Instead of leaving the trail at Fourth Creek Pass and head up Bill’s east slope, we took the Fourth Creek Trail all the way down (north) to the Ingalls Creek junction. By that time we were running of time and had to save Bill’s for another day.
We ran into some WTA volunteers on the way back to the car and chatted with them for a bit. They were going to be there for a week working on a trail project, so talk about dedication!