Poe Mountain by Mount David via Irving Pass on Poet Ridge / 坡山

  • Reading time:5 mins read

Poe Mountain by Mount David rises above Little Wenatchee River on Poet Ridge. Irving Pass Trail via Road 6504 offers a faster ascent via the southeast. Meanwhile, Labyrinth Mountain atop Minotaur Lake sits near the south.

Summit dogs on Poe Mountain
Summit dogs on Poe Mountain

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Poe Mountain at a Glance

Access: Irving Pass Trailhead @ Road 6504
Round Trip: TBD
Elevation Range: 4200′-6015′
Gear: none
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes

Irving Pass Trail via Road 6504

This weekend, we returned to the mountains after a trip out east. Poe Mountain was the second peak on Poet Ridge the pups and I visited after Mount David. I initially planned to traverse Poet Ridge while visiting several high points in one trip.

When we arrived at the trailhead, there was one other car there. We later met the owner on Irving Pass while he was cleaning up game meat captured earlier. He mentioned trying to climb the mountain but turned around because of the snow.

Looking east from the clearing
Looking east from the clearing

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Traversing Poe Mountain Southeast Ridge

Great! I didn’t think there’d be enough snow, so I left the snowshoes at home. After bidding farewell, we continued and could still follow the trail despite the fresh powder. But we soon lost the path to the snow at 5200′ as we postholed through the ridgeline.

We later bypassed Point 6000 from the west via the summer trail at 5800′. Meanwhile, we continued to trudge through more snow before dropping onto the joining saddle with our destination. Soon, we made the final stretch up to the snowy summit.

Traversing the snowy southeast ridge
Traversing the snowy southeast ridge

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Viewing Glacier Peak Wilderness on Poe Mountain

OMG! The views were stunning, and I could even see the high points on Poet Ridge. Labyrinth Mountain loomed over the south and looked impressive from the north. It took forever to get here, but everything looked much prettier in the snow.

Now I wonder if there’d be water on the ridge to make the traverse when it’s barren. It was breezy, so we spent most of our time on the west slopes to dodge the cold. After an extended break, we headed straight down the mountain.

Wenatchee (Poet) Ridge lineup from Poe Mountain
Wenatchee (Poet) Ridge lineup from Poe Mountain

See more trip photos here.

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