Manastash Ridge Lookout by Manastash 1 via Westberg Trail / 馬脊

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Manastash Ridge Lookout Site sits west of Manastash 1 along the same ridgeline. Westberg Trail, among others, reaches the ridgetop directly from the north. Meanwhile, the Rattler Benchmark on Umtanum Ridge is near the south.

The final stretch to the Manastash Ridge Observatory
The final stretch to the Manastash Ridge Observatory

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Manastash Ridge Lookout Site at a Glance

Access: Westberg Trailhead
Round Trip: 11.4 miles
Elevation Range: 1840′-3930′
Essential Gear: none
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes
Playlist: Keep Moving

Return to Manastash Ridge in Kittitas Valley

The lookout site was the westernmost on Manastash Ridge, where we had been. We couldn’t make it here before the December snow and wanted to avoid the mess over the passes. Then, we waited to visit after the inclement weather, and most of the snow on the ridge had melted.

A direct route comes from the north via South Riggs Canyon by Manastash Road. Curiously, I went to scope it out before going to the trailhead. But just as I’d suspected, there was a warning sign by the dirt path. Why not keep the wildlife area entrance open to the public? Ugh, as if, greedy mofos.

Kittitas Valley from Cheeky Bugger Trail
Kittitas Valley from Cheeky Bugger Trail

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Ridge Trail to Manastash Ridge Lookout Site

Despite the cold weather, I’d anticipated more people on the notable Westberg Trail later in the day. So, we took the west adjacent rib this time to avoid crowds on the main route. Interestingly, our trail was the only one without a name among many intriguing ones.

Valley views soon expanded past the initial steep 200′. En route, I glimpsed Robinson Canyon/Ainsley Canyon for the first time. Stuart Range was the main focus whenever we were out of the trees. The terrain later steepened again from 2800′ to 3000′ by the ravine.

Running the ridge to Manastash Ridge Lookout Site
Running the ridge to Manastash Ridge Lookout Site

See more trip photos here.

Viewing Ridges From the Observatory

From the ridgetop, we continued west on the dirt road partly covered in snow and ice. The tire tracks had also created much of the mud. En route, we saw canyons and valleys on both sides. It was three-plus miles over rolling terrain to the Manastash Ridge Lookout Site.

Trees lined the north at the observatory, with a small clearing offering views. Otherwise, it was open in other directions, including Umtanum Ridge above Umtanum Creek. As we exited, the distant dog bark and the occasional helicopter sounds continued.

Northern panorama with Stuart Range and Teanaway
Northern panorama with Stuart Range and Teanaway

See more trip photos here.

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