Three Lakes Hill by Roesiger Mountain sits between Three Lakes and Lake Chaplain. Woods Creek below the east flows into the Skykomish River by Monroe. Meanwhile, Mount Pilchuck‘s view to the northeast is stunning.

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Three Lakes Hill at a Glance
Access: 89th Street SE DNR gate
Round Trip: 11.5 miles
Elevation Range: 200′-1200′
Gear: none
Route Info: Scott Rice
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes
Driving Music: Kylie Dailey
Woods Creek Road to DNR Gate
We explored more around Roesiger Mountain and hoped to dodge the late morning rain. This time, we left Woods Creek sooner toward Three Lakes Hill’s south side. We dead-ended at the DNR gate and started moving in the low 20s.
Despite the alluring name, the hill does not see three lakes, nor are there lakes here. The tiny view of Hughes Lake by Camp Pigott was the closest to seeing a body of water. But it didn’t matter much as we were here for the exercise.

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Another Logging Road on Another Day
The road hugged Friar Creek before veering north, slowly dipping at mile one. Before the lowest point at West Fork Woods Creek were a quarry and a frozen pond. Then we walked through the aspen forest over many ice puddles and road forks.
We finally got a break from the trees at mile 4.75 on the summit ridge. The northeast previewed Pilchuck River Valley high points as I took a few photos. We paused briefly and finished the last mile of walk-up to the wooded top.

See more trip photos here.
Three Lakes Hill Summit Plus Exit
The only view on top was of the two radio towers 500′ apart. The map showed the second being the high point, although the ground fell equally flat. Then I took a few photos before we returned to the clearing for our break.
The clear-cut viewed Bald Mountain, Morning Star Peak, and Del Campo Peak. Roesiger Mountain from last week looked rather bland at 200′ lower. I saw Mount Stickney through the trees before retracing steps back to the car.
Glad the 11 AM rain in the forecast never came!

See more trip photos here.