2013/10/26 – Bald Mountain East Peak / 禿山東峯

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Kodak moment on Bald Mountain 4851
Kodak moment on Bald Mountain 4851

Photos from this trip can be found here.

For Bald Mountain 4760 north of Mountain Loop Highway, check out this post.

Low clouds throughout the day, and I didn’t get to see Lake Spada from the top like I had hoped. The weather looked cloudy from Mountain Loop Highway, but it slowly cleared up as we got progressively higher on Mallardy Road. Then it was full-on sunshine at the trailhead, hooray!

Some of the nearby peaks could be seen as we got higher up on the trail, and the views got even better once we hit the meadow area where the lakes and ponds were. I didn’t realize there was an actual trail that practically took us all the way up to the summit block. Whew, wasn’t in the mood to bushwhack today that’s for sure.

From the summit, the low clouds made peaks like Three Fingers and Whitehorse Mountain to the north stand out even more. Again, too bad Lake Spada south of the mountain was completely covered. It looked huge on the map so I could only imagine how much bigger it would have looked in person. Till next time!

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