Bald Mountain by Kelcema Lake via Deer Creek / 禿山

  • Reading time:7 mins read

I’m not sure if I ever saw Bald Mountain on our trip to Kelcema Lake. The weather was terrible back then. So we couldn’t see much past the water. The pup stayed home when I went up to Cadet Peak alone. But he was eager to go back out again.

Bald Mountain up ahead
Bald Mountain up ahead

See more trip photos here.

For Bald Mountain East Peak via Cutthroat Lakes, check out this post. For Bald Mountain West Peak via Ashland Lakes, check out WTA hiking descriptions

Bald Mountain at a Glance

Access: Deer Creek Road
Round Trip: TBD
Elevation Range: 2320′-4760′
Gear: helmet
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: no

Deer Creek Road

At two miles in from Mountain Loop Highway was a big washout in the road. So it forced us to hike two miles to the starting point. Then in another mile and half, there were big rocks over the roadway. It looked like they came down from the slopes on the side.

Later, we came up to the bottom of the northeast ridge before the Kelcema Trailhead. But going into the forest from the road was tough. The dense brush made it nearly difficult to find a decent entry point.

Rocks on the road
Rocks on the road

See more trip photos here.

Bald Mountain Northeast Ridge

The amount of brush and down trees on this mountain surely made up for the low stature. Earlier on, we fell into the trap of a large alder swatch. After trying half an hour to move ahead, we didn’t get very far. So we turned back.

Later, we found a much better way around the brush north of the ridgeline. Once we moved beyond that part, we were able to go up on the ridge. At times, we went back on the northern slopes to avoid the outcrops. But we also steered clear of the sheer southeast side.

Brushy ridgeline
Brushy ridgeline

See more trip photos here.

The Final Stretch

Just as the reports mentioned, the crux was in the final 100′ of the climb. There was a considerable amount of exposure. But despite the steep terrain, east of the crest was still the better option. So we crossed above the east face through ledges.

But at the same time, we stayed close to the gendarmes. The impressive east side was a sheer slab wall. So it would be fatal to lose our footing here. The final stretch past the ledges involved lots of veggie belay. Soon, we made it up on top in one piece.

Bald Mountain eastern slab wall
Bald Mountain eastern slab wall

See more trip photos here.

Bald Mountain Summit Views Plus Outro

Bald Mountain a small mount. So everything around it was taller and more impressive. Views to the north and the east were excellent. Whitehorse Mountain and Three Fingers were also the main attraction. Not much to see past Devils Peak or Long Mountain.

Afterward, we made it back through the crux safely. Then we came off the mountain at sunset. We finished the trip by hiking two miles on the road back to the car.

Kelcelma Lake down below
Kelcelma Lake down below

See more trip photos here.

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