Cadet Peak by Kyes Peak via Barlow Pass + Monte Cristo / 卡地峯

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Cadet Peak by Kyes Peak rises east of the historic Monte Cristo above Glacier Basin. It joins Sheep Mountain to the north via the long ridgeline atop the Sauk River. Moreover, Barlow Pass offers a direct route to this obscure peak.

Monte Cristo Peak and Kyes Peak from Cadet Peak
Monte Cristo Peak and Kyes Peak from Cadet Peak

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Cadet Peak at a Glance

Access: Monte Cristo Trailhead
Round Trip: TBD
Elevation Range: 2340′-7186′
Gear: helmet
Route Info: Klenke on SummitPost
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: on the trail

Glacier Basin via Barlow Pass and Monte Cristo

It was my first trip to the Monte Cristo area this season. I took the bike to the ghost town for a shorter approach. Even without a bike, it’s only a 4.5-mile walk to Monte Cristo. We did that when we visited the ghost town in 2013.

Hiking from Monte Cristo to the Glacier Basin was more straightforward than I pictured. Even after the trail faded, cairns continued to guide my way. Once in the basin, the path reappeared beside Glacier Creek and took me into the upper basin.

Glacier Basin
Glacier Basin

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Cadet Peak Southwest Slopes

The trail later dwindled at the top of the basin, where I turned northeast over the steep southwest slopes. I was also moving beside the red gully, a feature noted in various reports. From there, I aimed to attain the southwest ridge to finish the climb.

Cairns and some flagging guided the way so I could stay on track. At 6600, I went north on the class 3 terrain while hugging the cliffs en route. I swung back and moved southeast, aiming at the summit for the final stretch.

Steep southwest slopes
Steep southwest slopes

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Cadet Peak Summit Views Plus Exit

In hindsight, I could’ve stayed on the southwest ridge for the rest of the climb. But that would’ve involved some class 4 to low 5th moves, which weren’t necessary for this trip. The final bit to the broad summit was through loose rocks.

It was the closest I’d seen Sloan Peak, standing directly north above Goat Lake. But Monte Cristo Peak and Kyes Peak would’ve offered a similar viewing experience. Then, to the west were many of the area’s famous peaks, including Gothic and Del Campo.

I returned to Monte Cristo at sunset with a quick bike ride back to Barlow Pass before dark.

Matterhorn of the Cascades
Matterhorn of the Cascades

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