Gothic Peak + Del Campo Peak via Barlow Pass / 歌特峯

  • Reading time:4 mins read

Gothic Peak and Del Campo Peak perch over Foggy Lake in Gothic Basin. Barlow Pass via Mountain Loop Highway offers direct access. Meanwhile, the shared Foggy Pass views northwest to Morning Star Peak.

Gothic Peak to Del Campo Peak panoramic view
Gothic Peak to Del Campo Peak panoramic view

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Gothic Peak and Del Campo Peak at a Glance

Access: Gothic Basin Trailhead
Round Trip: TBD
Elevation Range: 2361′-6610′
Gear: helmet, microspikes
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: with guidance

Gothic Peak and Del Campo Peak

The pups got their exercise on Bryant Peak and Hemlock Peak yesterday. So today, I tackled the more challenging Gothic Peak and Del Campo Peak alone. With a busy summer ahead, I came now before starting on the Bulger List.

Glad that the area was still under much snow. So there was no need to contend with the brush or scree, if any. There was also a footpath to follow en route to the basin, and I only used snowshoes on the peaks.

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Climbing the Two Peaks

According to the reports, the peaks would be class 3 scrambles if I stayed on course. But on the way down from Gothic Peak, I somehow got onto more challenging terrain. But wearing a helmet helped lessen much uneasiness.

My route to Del Campo Peak felt more exposed. But it wasn’t until after the trip I realized I went up on class 4 terrain above the notch. But on the way down, I found a better way about 20 feet below the gap.

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Summit Views

I had Googled photos of the area before the trip. So I knew that both places boasted excellent panoramic views of the area. But at 400′ higher, Del Campo Peak was undoubtedly the much greater vantage point.

Oh yes, Gothic Basin was also as stunning as I had pictured before the outing. I know most people came for the lake. So seeing the peaks above Foggy Lake alone would still make the trip worthwhile.

See more trip photos here.

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