Townsend Mountain by Merchant Peak via Eagle Lake / 湯森山

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Townsend Mountain by Merchant Peak overlooks Eagle Lake in Wild Sky Wilderness. To the south rises Baring Mountain above Barclay Lake. Meanwhile, Iron Mountain north of the valley perches above North Fork Skykomish River.

Townsend Mountain from the west ridge
Townsend Mountain from the west ridge

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For Mount Townsend in the Olympic Mountains, check out this post.

Townsend Mountain at a Glance

Access: Eagle Lake Trailhead
Round Trip: TBD
Elevation Range: 3440′-5936′
Gear: helmet
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: with guidance

Hiking Eagle Lake Trail

The pups and I made it to Dixie Peak on our second try yesterday. Then I ventured into Wild Sky Wilderness today alone. While looking in the wilderness, I stumbled across Townsend Mountain and the Eagle Lake Trail route.

Walking up to Eagle Lake on the defined trail took little effort. The crux was the dense foliage past Eagle Lake before the open terrain, which took longer than expected. But the stunning views from the summit had made up for the brush.

Eagle Lake Trailhead
Eagle Lake Trailhead

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Eagle Lake Below Merchant Peak

Eagle Lake was a hidden gem with a small cabin by the south shore. I photographed the lake while talking to the people hanging out by the cozy place. But I can’t remember whether they lived there or stayed short term.

I surveyed the cabin and asked to photograph the intriguing artifacts inside. Surprisingly, they were very welcoming and even gave a brief history of the place. Then we chatted for a while before I left to climb the mountain.

Eagle Lake below Merchant Peak
Eagle Lake below Merchant Peak

See more trip photos here.

Merchant Peak South Route

Beyond the annoying slide alder and brush, the terrain soon expanded. Before long, The summit ridge was within view from below. As I scanned the various route options, the old saying “all roads lead to Rome” popped into my head.

From the west ridge, I continued on and south of the crest to the top. The vistas were fantastic today, and the air was crisp. It felt surreal to see some of the northern peaks from the top. I savored the views before leaving.

Western peaks from Townsend Mountain
Western peaks from Townsend Mountain

See more trip photos here.

Leaving Townsend Mountain

I decided to skip Eagle Lake and drop straight down on the way out. Glad it was as steep as I had thought, which could’ve been the way to go up the mountain earlier. But it was nice to see the lake and the cabin in the middle of where.

I dropped 2000′ before reaching the bottom and finding a feasible spot to cross Eagle Creek. Paradise Meadow was damp and muddy but manageable. Soon, I climbed 50′ to the trail and hiked back out to the car.

Exiting Eagle Lake Basin via the talus
Exiting Eagle Lake Basin via the talus

See more trip photos here.

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