Doubletop by Quiemuth Peak and Spiraltop in Pleasant Valley / 雙峯頂

  • Reading time:5 mins read

Doubletop by Quiemuth Peak is one of the dozen hills in Pleasant Valley near Alder Lake. As the name implies, two summits occupy the top, with the west peak taller by 39 feet. Meanwhile, Mineral Lake nestles in the valley to the east.

Storm King Mountain from Doubletop
Storm King Mountain from Doubletop

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Doubletop at a Glance

Access: Pleasant Valley Road @ mile 2.1
Round Trip: 4.1 miles
Elevation Range: 1320′-2160′
Gear: none
Route Info: Dustin Wittmier
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes

Pleasant Valley Road

The number of roadways packed into a small hill like this one is fascinating. The hike is direct by “staying on the main path” and walking up to the top. But the unmapped spur roads are dizzying and often take me by surprise.

We started before sunrise, hoping to beat the 10 o’clock rain. After turning right at the road fork at the two-mile mark, I drove slightly uphill. Shortly, the DNR gate came into view after passing a private drive behind an empty house.

We'll try a different club
We’ll try a different club

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Clockwise Through the Saddle

En route, spotty views included Peak 2040 ahead and Stahl Mountain behind us. North of Point 1896 was an overgrown path, though it looked tempting. But we stuck to the main road to avoid contending with the massive brush.

It was mainly forest views, with birds and streams providing the sounds. I caught glimpses of the snowy southern peaks only after we were south of the summit. Soon, we reached the top, where the road ended suddenly.

Roadside attraction
Roadside attraction

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Doubletop Summit Plus Exit

Despite a treed summit, I couldn’t help but poke around the thick branches hoping to see something. But all we had were the spotty views below the top. It reminded me much of Towertop, but at least I saw Doubletop from there.

On the way back, we checked the spur roads for likely views, but to no avail. So we returned to the small open and checked out Storm King Mountain. Soon, light rain and flurries came down as scheduled before the gate.

Finding our way home
Finding our way home

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