Henry’s Ridge Open Space + Kent WA High Point in Maple Valley / 亨利脊

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Henry’s Ridge Open Space borders Black Diamond Open Space in Maple Valley, Washington. At its northeast corner is Kent, Washington’s High Point. Moreover, farther north by Cedar River sits the Danville-Georgetown Open Space.

The water tower in Henrys Ridge Open Space
The water tower in Henry’s Ridge Open Space

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Henry’s Ridge Open Space at a Glance

Access: Maple Rock Trail west end
Round Trip: 3.5 miles
Elevation Range: 640′-834′
Gear: none
Route Info: Bob Lindskov
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes
Playlist: Alex Kehm

Through the Open Space

We’d hiked the bike trails up by Lake Whatcom. But it was my first time hiking in one of the many open spaces in King County. These belong to an even more elaborate network the Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance manages.

Soon after parking west of Ravensdale Lake, I walked through the quiet community. The first part of Maple Rock Trail took me behind people’s backyards. It felt awkward even though I was downhill from the fences.

Henrys Ridge Open Space
Henry’s Ridge Open Space

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Python Trail to Anaconda Trail

At under half a mile from the car, I took the Anaconda Trail and soon headed north. As the name implies, the path took many tight and “snaky” turns up the gentle slope. Then it came out onto Old Mike in three-quarters of a mile.

A runner passed by as I studied the sign by the four-way crossing. We both turned onto Anaconda, but I kept a distance between us as they started walking. Oddly, they were the only person I saw in the open space today.

This way to West Tiger Mountain #1
This way to West Tiger Mountain

See more trip photos here.

Leaving Henry’s Ridge Open Space

Over halfway through the Anaconda Trail was the high point of Kent, WA. Besides being in the watershed, I couldn’t reach it because of the tall fences. I checked out the warning sign before finishing the trail and entering the streets.

I walked down to 277th Street Park by Henry’s Ridge High Point. Since a house now sat atop the high point, I couldn’t reach it. Soon, I returned to the main road and passed the water tower down to the starting point.

Kent, WA High Point
Kent, WA High Point

See more trip photos here.

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