Black Diamond Open Space by Henrys Ridge in Ravensdale / 黑鑽石空地

  • Reading time:5 mins read

Black Diamond Open Space by Henrys Ridge nestles in Ravensdale by Lake Sawyer. To the north lies Cedar River, hailing from Meadow Mountain 26 miles to the east. Then on the south spans Green River from Blowout Mountain, 36 miles away.

Black Diamond Open Space east entrance
Black Diamond Open Space east entrance

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Black Diamond Open Space at a Glance

Access: Black Diamond Ravensdale Road (PDF map)
Round Trip: 4 miles
Elevation Range: 560′-720′
Gear: none
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes

Through the Open Space

The area holds 1,240 acres of forestland between the two noted river sheds. Meanwhile, it showcases mixed-use paths totaling 17 miles, like Henrys Ridge Open Space. Of these, 12 miles are bikable across 25 trails.

Having this many miles means endless route options. So one can go as little as several hundred feet or hours on end to one’s heart’s content. But depending on the area, there can be hikers, bikers, or trail runners all at once.

Trail signs by the junction
Trail signs by the junction

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Black Diamond Open Space Trails

I started walking in the powerline clear-cut from the locked gate by the east entrance. Then I went clockwise at the first fork through the outer path while staying east of Highway 169. Though, the constant noise from the road was hard to ignore.

The trail turned many tight corners through the dense forest adorned with marshes. Soon, views opened up as I broke into the powerline clear-cut after passing Ravensdale Creek. I then re-entered the trees and reached the railroad tracks shortly.

Highway 169 over Ravensdale Creek
Highway 169 over Ravensdale Creek

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Exiting Through the Powerline Clear-cut

The trail paralleled south of the railroad had two access points to Henrys Ridge Open Space. So that meant an extra 20 miles of route combos with more paths to explore! Heading east on Fresh Squeezed, I soon returned to the car by the gate.

It could be my luck or because it’s Monday, but I only saw one biker the entire time. I’d return midweek and hike the other areas. But my gut tells me not to show up on the weekend or a decent weather day.

Finding my way home
Finding my way home

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