Revolution Peak by Thompson Point via Granite Creek Trail / 革命峯

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Revolution Peak by Thompson Point rises above Middle Fork Snoqualmie. The summit boasts panoramic views of the area. Plus, the route over Granite Creek Trail is the least brushy of all options.

Destination: Revolution Peak
Destination: Revolution Peak

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Revolution Peak at a Glance

Access: Granite Creek Trailhead
Round Trip: TBD
Elevation Range: 1000′-5454′
Gear: microspikes, snowshoes
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: with guidance

Granite Creek Trailhead

The pups and I tried this peak five years ago but turned around by the outcrops past Thompson Point. I had brought my bike to save time on the old trail. But with a late morning start plus the short daylight, we soon ran out of time.

This time, the new connector trail saved us lots of time. The crew had worked hard repairing to revive the old logging road. But the best part was seeing the cut log benches with valley views along the scenic trail.

Hiking the scenic trail
Hiking the scenic trail

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En Route to Thompson Point

Soon, we crossed Granite Creek at 2000′ with massive down trees. But the crew had sawed up the logs to make way for hikers. I later put on snowshoes at 2600′ and made our way to Granite Lakes Trail.

We made steps in fresh snow and, after a while, reached the road’s end. It soon grew windy on the 4800′ shoulder below Thompson Point. Then from there, we had our first glimpse of Revolution Peak. 

Granite Lakes junction
Granite Lakes junction

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Ridge Traverse

I scoped out the ridge from Thompson Point earlier but wasn’t sure how we’d bypass the outcrops in the snow. The steep east side with cliff bands wasn’t conducive, so the icy west slope was our only option.

Soon, we backtracked a few hundred feet and dropped into Gifford Lakes Basin below the outcrops. Then we made a rising traverse onto the ridge north of the cliffs. From there, we stayed on the crest and reached the top.

Revolution Peak from Thompson Point
Revolution Peak from Thompson Point

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Revolution Peak Summit Views

Like our recent trip to Jolly Mountain, the snow had formed a mild arête before the top. It was freezing because of the wind chill. So we hunkered down behind the trees until the gusts calmed down 20 minutes later.

This summit was a vantage point to see countless peaks reaching far north. The ridgeline between Mailbox Peak and Mount Defiance filled the southern skyline. Then Mount Rainier loomed in the distant south.

Mount Rainier to the south
Mount Rainier to the south

See more trip photos here.


We checked out the cozy cabin west of Thompson Point since we didn’t do that the last time. Who wouldn’t want the cute little cabin with the expansive views? But I wondered if Amazon delivered to this address.

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