2016/3/12 – Chopper Peak II / 劈刀峯之二

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En route to Chopper Peak
En route to Chopper Peak

Photos from this trip can be found here.

A new sign posted at the dead-end road where I had previously parked indicating permanent relocation of the trailhead to Castle Rock. Dogs were also no longer allowed beyond the sign.

Sine I had the pups with me, I needed a different strategy. With a super late start of 2:30 PM and no backup plans, I sought out a possible idea. I started driving down Number 2 Canyon and looked for private property signs but didn’t notice any beyond the first mile. A pullout parking at mile 2.5 made a perfect spot to head up the south-trending rib to gain the main ridge that ran across top of the canyon.

Pups and I followed the ridge easterly and eventually reached our destination. This was a great vantage point to see the entire City of Wenatchee as well as the Columbia River.

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