Spinnaker Peak + Martin Peak by Tye Peak via Stevens Pass / 馬丁峯

  • Reading time:4 mins read

Spinnaker Peak and Martin Peak 5627 by Tye Peak sit atop Tye River’s headwaters. Windy Mountain rests atop the same ridgeline to the south. Meanwhile, Stevens Pass Ski Resort is a stone’s throw away to the southeast.

Kodak moment on Spinnaker Peak
Kodak moment on Spinnaker Peak

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Spinnaker Peak and Martin Peak 5627 at a Glance

Access: Stevens Road by Yodelin Ski Area
Round Trip: 7.8 miles
Elevation Range: 3600′-5645′
Gear: snowshoes
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: with guidance

Trip Summary

Overall, we could benefit from more snow on the mountain. Then it would’ve made getting to Spinnaker Peak more direct as we traversed the northeast ridge past Point 5261. But the snow quality was mostly decent.

We went onto the ridge without a hitch. But we needed to drop onto the south before returning to the crest through dry rocks. After that, Martin Peak was only ten minutes each way, much closer than I thought.

Glacier Peak to the north
Glacier Peak to the north

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Summit Views

Views on Spinnaker were best to the north, but trees had covered most other directions. Martin Peak 5627 was even woodsier than I expected. We needed to move around the summit to see the views.

Despite minor mishaps, we had excellent weather throughout the day.

Kodak moment on Martin Peak 5627

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