“Not So Sasse Peak” by Sasse Mountain is a minor peak on the west Sasse Ridge. Unlike high points on the main ridgeline, the shorter summit boasts a panoramic view. Salmon La Sac provides the quickest way during the snowpack season.

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Not So Sasse Peak at a Glance
Access: Salmon La Sac Road
Round Trip: TBD
Elevation Range: 2300′-5568′
Gear: microspikes
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes
Contrary to the belief, Not So Sasse Peak was rather “sassy” with decent views. There was still much snow in the area, so we couldn’t take Road 128 to go higher. Instead, I parked north of Howson Creek Trail and started scrambling east.
I used snowshoes from the get-go for the entire trip through deep snow. We continued through to Point 5335’s north ridge from the west slopes. Then we headed south over Point 5335 and east to the summit.
Clouds swept across the area the whole time but turned sunny when we reached the summit. Views were decent to the west and the south, including Howson Peak. The ominous weather stayed east for the bulk of the outing.

See more trip photos here.