Dungeon Peak on Rampart Ridge by Mount Margaret via Lake Lillian / 地牢峯

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Dungeon Peak on Rampart Ridge sits less than a mile south of the main ridgeline by Mount Margaret. Below the west lies the broad Gold Creek Basin above Keechelus Lake. Additionally, the most direct route goes up the east ridge via Lake Lillian.

Dungeon Peak east ridge above Lillian Lake
Dungeon Peak east ridge above Lillian Lake

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Dungeon Peak at a Glance

Access: Rampart Ridge Backdoor Trailhead (NF-4832-136)
Round Trip: 3.5 miles
Elevation Range: 3760′-5640′
Essential Gear: helmet
Route Info: Greg Henriksen
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes
Playlist: Kylie Dailey

Backdoor Trail Through Rocky Run to Lake Lillian

When we were here in May 2020, we walked under a mile in the snow to the trailhead. Driving straight to the trailhead this time was great, though the road seemed more gutted. When we arrived, there were two cars by the hairpin parking.

Having been here once before, the short hike to Lake Lillian was straightforward without the snow. The path hugged east of Rocky Run until the terrain steepened, where it veered northeast. Several spots had exposed tree roots, which were great for belaying.

View from the pullout
Tree root belay to Lillian Lake

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East Ridge Through the Hidden South Shore Trail

The south shoreline looked impassable at first until we went up the steep steps. The hidden path inches from the water took us through granite slabs and over the outlet. South views improved as we walked up Dungeon Peak’s steep crest; I spotted two tents by the water.

Finding more grass than brush on the east ridge at this low altitude was surprising. I also didn’t expect to see a climber’s path, but it was great to have one to follow! We went through the beautiful meadow below the top before reaching the rocky summit.

Lake Lillian's south shore by the trail
Lake Lillian’s south shore by the trail

See more trip photos here.

Viewing Alpine Lakes Wilderness from Dungeon Peak

Clouds hovered over the west skyline the last time. But today, the views were plentiful, with an inversion over Snoqualmie Pass. I also got a good look at Gold Creek Pond. Meanwhile, an army of mosquitoes was annoying the heck out of Connor.

We had a slow exit because I stopped for photos before returning to the trees. I considered visiting the southeast peak but decided to check on Cody early back home. After seeing a packed lot, I was glad to have started before the runners showed up.

North panorama with Rampart Ridge from Dungeon Peak
North panorama with Rampart Ridge from Dungeon Peak

See more trip photos here.

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