Donat Hill by Chuckanut Mountain sits above Lake Samish near Bellingham. To the east spans the vast Lookout Mountain by Lake Whatcom. Meanwhile, Samish Park takes one up the modest hilltop overlooking Interstate 5.

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Donat Hill at a Glance
Access: Samish Park
Round Trip: 4.1 miles
Elevation Range: 280′-1335′
Gear: none
GPS track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes
Samish Park by Lake Samish
I reviewed my notes but couldn’t find the ones for this hike. I couldn’t remember why we started in the mid-afternoon, but it was likely the weather. But a scenic drive along the east shore goes straight to the cozy park.
I took photos of the community lake before going up the defined path through the trees. Despite half a dozen cars in the lot, we didn’t see others en route. The switchback offsetting the steep terrain made the walk more enjoyable.

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En Route to the Clear-Cut Forest
The trail made switchbacks before entering the powerline clear-cut in under a mile. After a quick walk in the open, we were back on the service road west of the summit. Then we were without views for the next mile until below the tower.
I quickly viewed the cloudy east and approached the summit 500′ away. Then we circled through the forest on a faint trail and back to the tower. Without lingering, we returned to the clear-cut forest below the top for views.

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Donat Hill Summit Plus Exit
As luck would have it, clouds slowly overtook the lake basin below. Shifting mists concealed the water under the sunset light despite the open view. Meanwhile, the top of Blanchard Hill and Lookout Mountain remained visible.
We went right back into the fog the minute we left the clearing. Then back at the powerline swath, we made a beeline for the parking lot. Soon, we were by the lake, and I briefly talked to a lady with her dog about lake life.

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