Anti Aircraft Peak in Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park / 防空峯

  • Reading time:5 mins read

Anti Aircraft Peak lies in Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park. It’s among several known peaks in the area, including Bellevue High Point. Moreover, Wilderness Peak, the main summit, sits 1.5 miles to the south.

Radio tower on Anti Aircraft Peak
Radio tower on Anti Aircraft Peak

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Anti Aircraft Peak at a Glance

Environs = Old Bellevue High Point + South Radio Peak + Bellevue High Point + Radio Peak

Access: Sky Country Trailhead
Round Trip: 4.3 miles
Elevation Range: 1240′-1486′
Gear: none
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes

Old Bellevue High Point on Cougar Mountain

Given the rainy weather, I didn’t anticipate the lot full of cars at 7 AM. As it turned out, Cougar Mountain Trail Run took place today. Then I checked the map and saw that only a bit of my return route overlapped the course.

The Radio Peak Trail soon took me through Old Bellevue High Point by the park boundary. Since the altitude range was under 300′, I figured I’d see all the area’s high points. Then I reached South Radio Peak in another 500′.

One of the several down trees on Coyote Creek Trail
One of the several down trees on Coyote Creek Trail

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Bellevue High Point to Radio Peak

After snapping a photo of the lone tower, I went north on the old road. Before Long, it took me slightly uphill to the secluded Bellevue High Point. A quick photo stop and I was back on the main path to Radio Peak.

Unless others have climbed the fence, the high point sat on private property. I tried approaching the tower from the north, but the road quickly dipped. Then I called it good and went around the south to the brushy open space.

The open field of the former Nike Missile Base
The open field of the former Nike Missile Base

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Anti Aircraft Peak

I briefly scrambled out to Cougar Mountain Drive from the clearing before taking Shangri La Trail. Anti Aircraft Peak was the farthest from the other high points. Through the field below the top, I soon reached the lone picnic table.

After a break, I dropped through Coal Creek, the only part overlapping the race course. Soon, the 9 AM racers were making their way through. After dodging and moving aside many times, I finally reached Clay Pit Road to walk out.

Leaving Anti Aircraft Peak
Leaving Anti Aircraft Peak

See more trip photos here.

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