Whistler Mountain by Cutthroat Peak via Rainy Pass / 威士拿山

  • Reading time:7 mins read

Whistler Mountain shares a joining ridge with Cutthroat Peak above Rainy Pass. Meanwhile, it ranks #9 in North Washington Pass after Holliway Mountain. Plus, the quick approach offers rewarding views of the North Cascades.

Whistler Mountain at last
Whistler Mountain at last

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Whistler Mountain at a Glance

Access: Pacific Crest Trail North @ Rainy Pass
Round Trip: 3.7 miles
Elevation Range: 4840′-7790′
Gear: helmet
Route Info: Adam Walker
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: with guidance

Whistler Mountain by Rainy Pass

Happy Seattle Pride weekend! Whistler Mountain was our day two’s goal this weekend. So we hung out near the pass after going up to Porcupine Peak. The short trip also gave me enough time to later pick up the black pup.

It was great to visit the two peaks back to back as they sat by each other. Lower temperatures over the pass were also more tolerable. So we only needed to be in one place for the weekend without much driving.

Rainy Peak and the moon above Rainy Pass
Rainy Peak and the moon above Rainy Pass

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Through the Forest

I parked at the same spot by the snow berm next to the Road 600 stop sign. Then we left the road from the get-go and dove right into the trees. The snow patches soon disappeared, but the down trees followed.

Though steep, the open forest made skirting the logs more painless. We later broke out of the trees and walked south through the meadow basin at 6100′. Overall, we gained an average of 1700′ per mile distance.

The usual deal
The usual deal

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Whistler Mountain West Ridge

Later we went east and straight up the west ridge. Though, the rocky ridgeline was steeper than down in the forest. En route, we bypassed most rocks by staying north of the gully.

We later went into the rock gully at the top of the ridge. Then we used the visible ramp by the headwall and moved up to the top. En route was lots of downsloping slabs and gravel.

This way to Whistler Mountain
This way to Whistler Mountain

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Whistler Mountain Summit Views

The stunning views here included my two other goals across the highway. The mountain’s shorter height had dramatized the taller peaks. But the best part was the 71 degrees on top–30 degrees lower than in the city.

Cutthroat Peak stole the show today. Views to Washington Pass and Rainy Lake were quite enchanting also. Then many obscure peaks, including places we visited two weeks ago, were right across the valley.

Eastern panoramic view with Washington Pass
Eastern panoramic view with Washington Pass

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The 3.7-mile roundtrip was short and sweet! I had thought about going up another nearby high point. But the thought of fighting for a spot on the trail on this hot day wasn’t appealing.

We retraced our steps back through the meadow. The late morning’s vibrant colors had brought the basin back to life. So it looked like a place I’d come back and camp in the future.

Finding our way home
Finding our way home

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