Rattlesnake Hills Lookout by Yakima Ridge is the highest point in Benson County. It spans east from Union Gap to one of the several Rattlesnake Mountains in the state. Meanwhile, the Hanford Reach National Monument is within arm’s reach.

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Rattlesnake Hills Lookout at a Glance
Access: State Route 241
Round Trip: 11 miles
Elevation Range: 2040′-3629′
Gear: none
GPS track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes
The Preface on Rattlesnake Hills Lookout
The questionable weather had us seek out Eastern Washington after yesterday’s outing. The military training hindered our plan to explore Hog Ranch Buttes. But I’ll need to call before undergoing the lengthy background check.
I looked at the places we hadn’t visited nearby, and the closest was Rattlesnake Hills Lookout. Though, several reports noted going through private property. Gurr. What must a man and his dog do to enjoy life?!

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Hiking to Rattlesnake Hills Lookout
We parked west of the lookout off SR 241 and went through the first gate after crossing the quiet highway. Soon, we passed the second gate several hundred yards ahead before hiking south. It’d be a long way from there.
Views behind us expanded soon after we started. Then we were back to moving east at the next road bend for the rest of the trip. The area looked desolate, unsure if we’d see others here this time of the year.

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Traversing the West Ridge
Sunshine sometimes seeped through the overcast sky as we hiked toward the ridgetop. Soon, the sun came out and brought the gloomy place back to life. Meanwhile, we savored the constant fragrance of sagebrush.
It grew windier on the ridgetop. While the exposed crest couldn’t keep us out of the gusts, the sun offered solace. It was still quite a ways to go after the first radio towers, but glad I brought a shell for the trip.

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Rattlesnake Hills Lookout Sunshine
It howled at the high point as the wind blew in all directions. Instead of ducking behind the buildings, we walked down the north side to enjoy the views. Meanwhile, the pup had a merry ol’ time rolling in the grass.
The hazy skyline made it tough to pinpoint one hill from another. I must’ve seen Handford Reach at one point but didn’t know it. The White Bluffs south of it would’ve been my backup plan had this trip not panned out.

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On the walk back, we made several stops to view the south despite wind gusts. The afternoon sun over the misty horizon had added colors to the otherwise dull landscape. Meanwhile, thick clouds hovered over Mount Rainier to the west.

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