Mailbox Peak by Mount Teneriffe in Middle Fork Snoqualmie / 信箱峯

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Mailbox Peak by Mount Teneriffe and Mount Si perches over Middle Fork Snoqualmie and South Fork Snoqualmie River drainages. Sitting at the top is the famous mailbox that sometimes transforms depending on the season’s decor.

The final stretch on Mailbox Peak
The final stretch on Mailbox Peak

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Mailbox Peak at a Glance

Access: Middle Fork Road closure
Round Trip: 8.2 miles
Elevation Range: 800′-4841′
Gear: microspikes, snowshoes
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes

The Preface

Mailbox Peak has become overly popular since our first trip a decade ago. While reviewing my old photos, I realized it had been six years since we climbed the peak. So a revisit to the old stomping ground was in order.

Due to recent roadwork on Middle Fork Snoqualmie Road, I researched conditions last night to be sure. Then I came across a recent report from yesterday on Washington Trails Association (WTA). What great timing!

At the trailhead
At the trailhead

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Mailbox Peak Old Trail

We reached the Middle Fork Road closure by the snow berm and started moving at 5:15 AM. Since the recent heavy snowfall, the massive tracks en route implied we didn’t need to make steps! It was only an extra .75-mile walk to the old trailhead.

Yesterday’s report was spot on about not needing snowshoes on the trail. But I wore microspikes for traction to avoid sliding and to speed things up. Some people are great at keeping balance in the snow without gear, but not me.

Looking back from the clearing
Looking back from the clearing

See more trip photos here.

Summit Views

The colorful popcorn clouds strewed the morning sky at the clearing. Despite being 28 degrees, it felt much warmer on top without the wind. Then the sun came out 20 minutes later while we enjoyed the visit in solitude.

Mailbox Peak remains the vantage point to see the vast Snoqualmie River Valley. This time, there was no view of Mount Rainier as clouds in South Cascades had devoured it earlier. But I could still see everything else, including a bit of Glacier Peak.

North panorama from Mailbox Peak
North panorama from Mailbox Peak

See more trip photos here.

Exciting via Mailbox Peak New Trail

Two men came up as we descended to the boulder field. Then I decided to check out the new trail built in 2014 since our previous visit. I soon found the unmarked fork after returning to the trees.

We found fresh snow in the upper trail, which made snowshoes very handy. I switched to microspikes on firmer snow for the lower two miles to the new trailhead. Then we met seven people en route; pretty quiet for a sunny Friday!

Walking out on the new trail
Walking out on the new trail

See more trip photos here.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Baram

    Thank you for your update on the Mailbox Peak!
    I would like to know how the road condition to the Middle Fork road were.
    Did it require 4-wheel drive?
    I would appreciate if you let me know ASAP as I am planning to go to the Mailbox tomorrow.
    Thank you,

  2. onehikeaweek

    Hi Baram,

    The roads are free of snow until you get to the stop sign before turning left onto Middle Fork Road. The snow berm will prevent you from going any farther, so park before the berm and hike to the trailhead.


  3. Baram

    GREAT – thank you!

    1. onehikeaweek

      Glad you and family enjoyed the hike!

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