Spencer Peak by Keystone Point via Columbia River / 斯賓塞峯

  • Reading time:5 mins read

Spencer Peak by Keystone Point and Swakane Peak is west of Columbia River. To the north lies the long and famous Entiat River Valley. Highway 97 by the river offers the quickest to the top of the seldom-climbed peak.

Spencer Peak summit up ahead
Spencer Peak summit up ahead

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Spencer Peak at a Glance

Access: Tenas George Canyon
Round trip: 6.3 miles
Elevation Range: 840′-3881′
Gear: none
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes

The Preface

We stayed the night in Wenatchee after yesterday’s trip to make the long drive worthwhile. The weather in the mountains was also questionable, so it made sense to stick around and explore more of the area.

So today, we checked out Spencer Peak south of Keystone Point and Entiat River Valley. Many roads near the canyons would also make a decent loop trip of many variations. But we went up straight from the highway.

Morning stroll
Morning stroll

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Tenas George Canyon

I turned left onto the road by Tenas George Canyon, which soon ended by the residential area. Past the fork was a large grassy area, where I looked for private property signage but didn’t see any. So we parked and crossed to the west of the fence.

At 500′ beyond the fence was an old road, which we took to go north into the canyon. Soon, we left the dry streambed at 1100′ and went onto the south ridge. Then we went straight up to the top, with the steepest section going from 1600′ to 2200′.

The City of Wenatchee
The City of Wenatchee

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Spencer Peak Summit Plus Outro

We first saw the summit at 3000′ and soon made it up to the top. The south side had the best view, with the Columbia River weaving through the City of Wenatchee. A microflector marking the top was the second one we’ve seen on a trip.

It rained earlier for ten minutes en route to the summit, and it stopped during our visit. But it later poured after we went down to the old road.

Here comes the rain
Here comes the rain

See more trip photos here.

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