Axis Peak by Mount Stuart in The Enchantments sits atop a long ridgeline. It marks the highest point between Eightmile Lake to the north and Lake Stuart on the south. The scenic Lake Stuart Trail provides direct access to reach the mountain.

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Axis Peak at a Glance
Access: Lake Stuart Trailhead
Round Trip: 12 miles
Elevation Range: 3400′-7550′
Gear: helmet
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: no pets
Lake Stuart Trail
It was my first time in the famous Lake Stuart area. But the nearly empty parking lot on a sunny day surprised me. However, I did share the lower trail with a rowdy group of kids on their way to Colchuck Lake.
Later I spent the rest of the hike to Lake Stuart in peace. Along the way, I also met a couple of hikers going to the lake. We chatted a bit by the water before I left the beaten path.

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Axis Peak South Route
From the lake, the way up to Axis Peak was straightforward. Later I reached the field mentioned in the trip reports. It was on the right side after I got the first full view of the lake.
Later I hopped through boulders for the first 600′ until the heather appeared. Soon, the vegetation gave way to the scree. Afterward, I reached the gully with loose rocks and stayed right to avoid potential rockfalls. It was more manageable to go up on small rocks.

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Summit with Views
Shrubs at the top of the gully spaced out enough to weave my way through. Then I avoid the brushy terrain by going up on the small rocks. The final 100′ from short shrubs to the top was sandy, so I used the half-buried rocks to avoid sliding.
It was the closest I’ve seen Stuart Range from the north, which looked more impressive and loomed the southern skyline. Jack Ridge, Eightmile Mountain, and Cashmere Mountain comprised the bulk of the view to the northwest. I also saw Three Queens, Chimney Rock, and Mountain Daniel to the far west.

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The climb went much faster than I had anticipated, and I spent hours at the top before returning to the lake. Then I spent the rest of the hike out to the car on the trail alone.