Mount Roosevelt sits at an excellent vantage point to see the impressive Chair Peak and Kaleetan Peak. Both of them look incredibly pointy from the top of the mountain. But everything else here is just as grand.

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Mount Roosevelt at a Glance
Access: Snoqualmie Alpental Ski Area
Round Trip: 7 miles
Elevation Range: 3120′-5835′
Gear: helmet
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: with guidance
The Preface
I first saw Mount Roosevelt from the top of Kaleetan Peak, but I didn’t know much about the peak. But I knew I would want to climb it at some point. So today, I brought my two partners along for the ride.
From the south, both peaks look just as dramatic as they are closer up. One especially can’t miss the spectacular view from Interstate 90 right before reaching Snoqualmie Pass.
See more trip photos here.
En Route to Mount Roosevelt
The only catch to see this view was to fight the trail crowds on the way to Snow Lake. But we started early enough not to see too many people en route.
Several groups were taking photos of Snow Lake from the pass. But once the pups and I went around the water, we’ve bypassed the crowds. Then we didn’t see people again until we met two climbers coming up the scree.
See more trip photos here.
Summit Plus Outro
Overall, the views were excellent. But it was even more gratifying when I could look down at the peaceful Snow Lake. I had wanted to do that when I first studied the mountain.
Glad that the weather cooperated all day and let us enjoy the fantastic scenery. Soon, we retraced our steps and went out through Gem Lake below Wright Mountain.
See more trip photos here.
Gotta love Alpine Lakes Wilderness!