2013/1/27 – Tronsen Ridge / 創森脊

  • Reading time:2 mins read
Kodak moment on Tronsen Ridge
Kodak moment on Tronsen Ridge

Photos from this trip can be found here.

Blewett Pass area appeared to have the best weather forecast today, a good excuse to hide from the rain on the west.

We parked at the first available pullout after Blewett Pass, which was the Upper Tronsen Road. There were two other cars when we arrived. We stayed on the service road for half a mile and then shot straight up the slope and aimed for the ridge. The ridge was windy and it continued to be so for the rest of the way to our destination—the highest point of the ridge in the south end.

Rather than going back the way we came from, we made a loop by traversing a bit further south, and then northwesterly down the slopes to connect with our old track on the service road.

We used snowshoes everywhere except the road, as the snow was compact enough to walk comfortably.

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