Baldy of Olympic Mountains by Gray Wolf Ridge + Tyler Peak / 鮑爾迪峯

  • Reading time:7 mins read

Baldy of Olympic Mountains overlooks the Dungeness River by Gray Wolf Ridge. The east ridge runs through Peak B and Tyler Peak and continues to Maynard Peak. Plus, Baldy Trail above Mueller Creek is the quickest way to the peak.

Baldy of Olympic Mountains above the pass
Baldy of Olympic Mountains above the pass

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Baldy + Peak B + Tyler Peak at a Glance

Access: Tyler Peak Trailhead @ Road 2870-270
Round Trip: 9.5 miles
Elevation Range: 3200′-6827′
Essential Gear: none
Route Info: Ian Lauder, Joanne Najdzin
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes
Playlist: Ethereal

Hiking to Baldy of Olympic Mountains via Mueller Creek

As the snow would soon arrive, I wanted someplace low-key to unwind from the climbing season. So Connor and I went up by Gray Wolf Ridge in Upper Dungeness. I was also here a year ago, visiting Mount Deception and Mount Clark above the Royal Basin.

Road 2870-270 ended before Mueller Creek after going around Three O’Clock Ridge. Just past the stream was the start of the steep Baldy Trail that headed west. It soon mellowed out as we veered northwest past 4600′ in the trees, with glimpses of Tyler Peak.

Look back toward Peak B and Tyler Peak from Peak 6520
Look back toward Peak B and Tyler Peak from Peak 6520

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Baldy of Olympic Mountains to Tyler Peak via Peak B

The gentle terrain brought us to the ridge at 6200′, where views expanded. Moving west while going over East Baldy (Peak 6520) soon got us atop Baldy of Olympic Mountains. Views were even more expansive, particularly to the southwest and the north.

I scanned many familiar places, including the nearby Mount Townsend and the faraway Mount Olympus. Soon, we returned past the fork and continued to Peak B. After a brief scramble from the west, we arrived at the craggy ridgetop from the north side.

West panorama from Baldy of Olympic Mountains
West panorama from Baldy of Olympic Mountains

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Leaving Gray Wolf Ridge via Mueller Creek

After picking up the trail back on the crest, we continued east to Tyler Peak. But we waited below for the summit group to finish before heading to the broad, flat summit. The scenery was almost the same, except for the added glimpse of Burnt Hill by Sequim, WA.

It was a half hour of soaking in the vistas of the undulating hills and the Strait of Juan de Fuca. Then, we looped through the area by taking Tyler Peak Way Trail above Mueller Creek. Shortly after chats with several hikers and hunters, we re-entered the trees to finish.

North panorama with Maynard Peak from Tyler Peak
North panorama with Maynard Peak from Tyler Peak

See more trip photos here.

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