Dobbs Mountain by Hugo Peak in Elbe Hills State Forest / 多布斯山

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Dobbs Mountain by Hugo Peak lies in Elbe Hills State Forest. Alder Lake in the near south spans atop Pleasant Valley by Mineral Lake. Meanwhile, the neighboring Tahoma State Forest sits across from the Nisqually River Valley.

Dobbs Mountain summit overhead
Dobbs Mountain summit overhead

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Dobbs Mountain at a Glance

Access: Scott Turner Road @ mile 6
Round Trip: 3.6 miles
Elevation Range: 1840′-2767′
Gear: none
Route Info: Joanne Najdzin
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes
Playlist: Hopeful

Elbe Hills State Forest by Tahoma State Forest

Glad to have found a new short hike for the older dog. Most trips this season have been low altitudes, and it was only our third time above 2000′ since Baby Blue. So I’m unsure what the season opener in a few weeks will hold.

It’s our first time in Elbe Hills State Forest. The mixed-used trail networks here offer sorts of horseback and ORV riding options. To the south, the neighboring Tahoma State Forest is also a hot spot for winter activities.

A neighborhood pond in the mists
A neighborhood pond in the mists

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West Route via Scott Turner Road

I wouldn’t have guessed people lived here, but the paved road was a giveaway. We drove six miles to the locked gate, including half a mile of gravel in the DNR zone. Then we walked up the hill and soon reached the clear-cut forest.

Given the 40% chance of rainfall, I was sure we’d see clouds all day. We followed the open road as the mists lifted, and the drizzles soon came. Then after passing the borrow pit, we reached the 2600′ saddle southeast of the summit.

North view of Beaver Creek Valley from the summit
North view of Beaver Creek Valley from the summit

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Dobbs Mountain Summit

The faint trail soon took us over light debris and old burn to the wooded top. Among the trees stood a 3-foot-tall cairn, plus an open view down to the area we drove past earlier. We only stayed a few minutes before returning to the open.

Too bad we didn’t see Mount Rainier through the dense clouds. But the sun made a surprise cameo on the walk back as it warmed up fast. We entered the trees and soon reached the car before the rain returned. Say what?

Southeast panorama from Dobbs Mountain
Southeast panorama from Dobbs Mountain

See more trip photos here.

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