Tokul West by Tolt MacDonald Park via Snoqualmie Valley Trail / 托庫爾西段

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Tokul West sits north of Fall City above Snoqualmie Valley Trail. It harbors an extensive trail network, including Tokul East. Like the nearby Tolt MacDonald Park, the place offers 50 mixed-use trails totaling 23 miles.

SMC high points from Tokul West
Devils Slide 6 above Black Lake

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Tokul West at a Glance

Access: Fall City Community Park (trail map)
Round Trip: 8.8 miles
Elevation Range: 80′-1000′
Gear: none
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes
Playlist: Kylie Dailey

Fall City Community Park to DNR Gate

Through research, I found that Campbell Global manages the tree farm. Great timing, though, as my yearly permit was about to expire in a few days. But in hindsight, buying a day pass each time would’ve cost less.

Recreation Access Permits (2023)
> MOTORIZED RECREATION ACCESS PERMIT ($300, up from $275 in 2022)
> NON-MOTORIZED ANNUAL PERMIT ($75, up from $60 in 2022)

I’d traveled past the area many times before discovering the trails. After parking at the Fall City Community Park, I ran across the road. Then I walked half a mile through Rutherford Slough in the neighborhood to the gate.

Rutherford Slough in the neighborhood
Rutherford Slough in the neighborhood

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Snoqualmie Valley Trail to Tokul West Bike Trails

Like other open spaces I’ve visited recently, the route choices are endless. But I centered around Tokul West while getting the most hiking distance. From the second trail past the gate, I went up the steep slope and soon reached Snoqualmie Valley Trail.

After a short walk, I followed Bobsled uphill and entered the open space on the plateau. Then I hopped on Outhouse to the northeast corner with views of the Olympic Mountains behind me. I took the abandoned Upper Outhouse briefly before returning to the road.

Tiger Mountain, Mitchell Hill, Grand Ridge from the clearing
Tiger Mountain, Mitchell Hill, Grand Ridge from the clearing

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Exiting Snoqualmie Valley Trail

Old Skid Road was my highest point, with views of Mount Si, McClain Peak, and other peaks. Then the path dipped as I meandered through Chewy and Curly Fries. At one time, I took a side trail and almost went up to someone’s yard before turning around.

Several more bikers passed before I went down the super steep Clear Cut. Soon, I returned to Snoqualmie Valley Trail, where most riders hung out. Then I stopped by the slough to check the birds before returning to the park.

Leaving Tokul West
Leaving Tokul West

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