Mount Pugh by Spring Mountain and Glacier Peak via Stujack Pass / 普山

  • Reading time:4 mins read

Mount Pugh by Spring Mountain perches over Stujack Pass in Glacier Peak Wilderness. Sauk River flows north at the west foothills beside Mountain Loop Highway. Moreover, near the east is Glacier Peak atop White Chuck Glacier.

Mount Pugh summit overhead
Mount Pugh above Stujack Pass with a hiker ahead

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Mount Pugh at a Glance

Access: NF-2095 @ second switchback
Round Trip: 11 miles
Elevation Range: 1920′-7201′
Gear: helmet
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: with guidance

Author Name

Mount Loop Highway to Stujack Pass

It was my third visit to the mountain, but this time without the dogs. Instead, I went with my friend Anne, her first time climbing the peak. We thought it’d be an excellent conditioner for our trip to West McMillan Spire in a few days.

No snow was on the trail. But what remained beyond Stujack Pass looked like it’d disappear within a month. We had no issues going up the narrow ramp. Though, we hugged the wall and were constantly mindful of loose rocks.

One of two USGS markers on the summit
One of two USGS markers on the summit

See more trip photos here.

Mount Pugh Summit

Just as we wondered about the other car’s owner, we finally saw him on top. He had started before us and stayed when we left. We thought we might’ve annoyed him with the “name the peak” game when he moved to the south edge.

It was a gorgeous day with stellar weather but felt warmer than the forecast. What stood out was how sunnier it was than my first two visits with the dogs. It was hands down one of the most memorable trips for us.

On the way out below the top, we met a group of five first-time visitors. We chatted briefly before continuing through the ramp. It’s always great to see hikers excited and eager to make it to the top of someplace new.

Southwest panorama of Sauk River Valley
Southwest panorama of Sauk River Valley

See more trip photos here.

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