Iron Mountain by Gunn Peak lies in Wild Sky Wilderness near Index. At the western foothills flows the vast North Fork Skykomish River. Meanwhile, Alpine Lakes High Route is a stone’s throw away south of Skykomish.
See more trip photos here.
See this post for Iron Mountain in Teanaway.
Iron Mountain 5245 at a Glance
Access: Index-Galena Road blockade
Round Trip: TBD
Elevation Range: 840′-5245′
Gear: helmet
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: with guidance
Index-Galena Road by Skykomish River
I’ve visited two other Iron Mountains in the past—one in Teanaway and the other by Mount Rainier. Until last week, I hadn’t heard of this Iron Mountain. But a recent trip report with photos piqued my interest greatly.
It was also our first time through Index as we drove to the end of Index-Galena Road before 9 AM. The blockade there marked the dead-end to go any farther. The two other cars nearby suggested we were at the right place.
See more trip photos here.
Walking the Old Logging Road
It was a direct but tedious four-mile walk before leaving the path. On the bright side, route finding was minimal, with massive down trees strewing the roadway. But the worst section came at the 1300′ altitude.
Also, the road conditions varied. Some parts were smooth and dry, while the rest were rocky with mud and running water. It was odd that the path that looked to be in much use in the past didn’t have a number.
See more trip photos here.
Iron Mountain 5245 Southeast Ridge
Snow appeared at 3000′ with more at 3400′, where I put on snowshoes. We found old snowshoe tracks and a boot trail from today, indicating at least one other person ahead. At 3600′, the paths went into the west basin.
We stayed on the road until near the end before leaving the path at 4250′ and moving uphill. Soon, we were up on the southeast ridge at 4750′. Then we continued through the ridgeline for the rest of the climb.
See more trip photos here.
Iron Mountain 5245 Summit Views
We mainly stayed on the crest but sometimes bypassed outcrops from the south. Soon, we were on top, and I immediately saw cornices on the north side. So we steered clear of that area during our visit.
Views were excellent on this sunny and nearly windless day. Plus, the backside of Merchant Peak, Gunn Peak, and Jumpoff Ridge was impressive. We were also at a great angle to see the rest of Wild Sky Wilderness.
See more trip photos here.
Leaving Wild Sky Wilderness
On the way out, we went into the west basin via the southwest ridge. It was already slushy on the south slopes and hard to keep plunge-stepping by then. Soon, we joined our old tracks at 3600′ and continued.
It was nice to be in the snow while it lasted; more exciting that way. But soon, we were back on the old road to finish the rest 3.5 miles of the uneventful walk.
See more trip photos here.