2016/3/5 – Bjork Mountain / 比约克山

  • Reading time:2 mins read
Bavarian mountains over Leavenworth
Bavarian mountains over Leavenworth

Photos from this trip can be found here.

It seems as though more and more land is being privatized every time we come to this area. After reading a report on nwhikers, Eagle Creek Road looked to be the way to go to bypass private land nestled among many service roads.

Parked the car about a quarter of a mile south of the junction of 7520 (Van Creek Road) and 7805 at the base of the east slopes. There was another service road junction next to the car, which the pups and I walked up for about a half mile before scrambling up the southeast slope. We then followed the ridge line all the way up to the saddle south of the summit.

Snow started at around 3600′, but it was somewhat manageable until we reached saddle where we began to posthole. There was an old shed at the saddle, plus many down trees half buried in the snow. We followed the groove of the service road, headed north, and reached the summit in half a mile.

The wind was tolerable and it gradually decreased during our stay. Views of the mountains in the Glacier Peak Wilderness were surprisingly good, I could even see Glacier Peak and the immediate peaks around it. Nearby mountains had low clouds capping the top of them so no views of The Enchantments.

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