Dog Mountain by Goat Mountain via Lennox Creek Trail / 狗山

  • Reading time:5 mins read

Dog Mountain by Goat Mountain hovers over Lennox Creek. At its south foothills flows the Taylor River. Moreover, Bare (Bear) Mountain, Rooster Mountain (The Ark), and Cougar Creek are other nearby animal features.

Dog Mountain atop Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Valley
Dog Mountain atop Middle Fork Snoqualmie River Valley

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Dog Mountain at a Glance

Access: NF-5700-1
Round Trip: 9 miles
Elevation Range: 2120′-5408′
Gear: none

GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes

Road 5700-1

Like before, we began at the end of Road 5700-1, half a mile past Bare Mountain Trailhead. Soon, we dove into the brush that had overtaken the old road. The firepit by the entrance from two years ago was still intact.

I initially planned to climb Morpheus, the high point midway between Dog Mountain and Cascade Mountain. It’d take us through the pass above Anderson Lake. But our 11 AM start, plus the limited daylight, made it an unrealistic goal.

Goat Mountain 5580 from the trail
Goat Mountain 5580 from the trail

See more trip photos here.

Lennox Creek Trail

We started in the shade from the north of the mountain in Lennox Creek. We didn’t see much sun, if any, until late morning. The upper trail was under the ice due to standing water and overflowing streams.

Standing above Anderson Lake, I knew we wouldn’t make Morpheus without exiting long after dark. So we backtracked to 4400′ before leaving the trail for Dog Mountain’s summit. Then we went south at 5100′ to the bouldered top.

Anderson Lake below the pass
Anderson Lake below the pass

See more trip photos here.

Dog Mountain Summit Views

Middle Fork Snoqualmie River gave the best views in the golden light, with Mount Rainier looming in the south. The sight of the Stone Kingdom peaks was simply stunning. Despite the haze, most peaks nearby were visible.

Dog Mountain was still the best vantage point to view places here. We left the top before sunset and retraced our steps down the mountain. Soon, we reached the trail and made the last 3.5 miles to the road’s end in the dark.

Summit dogs on Dog Mountain
Summit dogs on Dog Mountain

See more trip photos here.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. laura

    Hello John – Nice pics. We were going to have a go at Dog tomorrow. Do you have a GPS? We’re mostly interested in where one leaves the trail before Andersen Pass to head up to the summit, a lot of folks seem to have trouble with this. Thanks for any info!

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