2011/7/20 – Diamond Head / 鑽石頭

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Kodak moment on Diamond Head
Kodak moment on Diamond Head

Photos from this trip can be found here.

The weather was supposed to be better east of Snoqualmie Pass, so I looked to the Teanaway area. Although after doing a few in a row I was getting a little bored, so I decided to look outside of Teanaway but staying east of the Cascades. Blewitt Pass came into mind because anywhere in the area would provide decent views of Teanaway. Now that the area is free of snow, I decided to give Diamond Head another try.

Some blowdowns along the trail but not enough to discourage anyone from moving forward. Once leaving the trail, it took a bit of scrambling to get up to the ridge. But once we got on the ridge it was a simple walk-up to the summit from all directions. Surprisingly, most of Diamond Head was covered in trees and only the northern tip of it had some clearing. Thank goodness the views of Teanaway was not obstructed in any way and they were quite enjoyable.

We decided to take the east side, scree slope route back down the mountain since it’s the sunny side. It would get us down faster than going back the way we came from. The scree slope put us directly back on the service road and back to the car. It looked like we had enough time to make a quick stop on Red Top Lookout on the way back.

Access: NF-9716
Gear: none

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