Startup Mountain stands seven miles west of Mount Stickney in Sultan Basin. One mile north across Bear Creek rises Kellogg Hill, which we visited second. Then Haywire Ridge, our third and final stop, sits three miles west.

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Startup Mountain at a Glance
Environs = Kellogg Hill + Haywire Ridge
周圍地區= 家樂山丘+鉛絲脊
Access: various logging gates
Round Trip: 10.3 miles
Elevation Range: 666′-1280′
Gear: none
Route Info: Drew Cross
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes
Driving Music: Beats, Beats, Beats
Sultan Basin by Startup and Sultan
Views on lowland hills are often hard to come by due to vegetation. Because of logging in Sultan Basin, summits once shrouded in dense forests now offer ok to dramatic vistas. The three places we visited today proved to be the case.
It’s been four years since we last went through here, visiting Mount Stickney. With the climbing season two months away, I thought we’d start moving inland. So after yesterday’s rainy trip, we found sunshine in Sultan Basin today.

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Startup Mountain, Kellogg Hill, and Haywire Ridge
Startup Mountain, Kellogg Hill, and Haywire Ridge are next-door to each other, ranging from 1000′ to 1300′. The first two offer four miles roundtrip, with the last giving a mile each way. But the ten-mile total exercise was perfect for the day.
We accessed Startup from the gate at the end of a neighborhood road. With no parking off the narrow street, I bumped the car against the bushes not to block potential traffic. The other two places had ample parking but with trash.

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Summit Views Plus Exit
Startup Mountain looked east to Skykomish River Valley, including Baring Mountain and Mount Persis. Kellogg Hill offered more scenery en route to the top. But Haywire Ridge was the least exciting, with a bit of Mount Pilchuck and Vesper Peak behind the trees.
One thing that took away the peace was the constant target-shooting sounds. There was also lots of trash by the gate to Kellogg Hill. Besides those, we enjoyed much sunshine in a seemingly secluded area, minutes from the highway.
Off to Sultan Bakery!

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