Issaquah-Preston Trail by Tiger Mountain spans 5.5 miles from Issaquah to the outskirts of Preston, Washington. The suburban trail connects Lake Sammamish Trail on the west and Preston-Snoqualmie Trail on the east.
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Issaquah-Preston Trail at a Glance
Access: Preston Powerline Trail
Round Trip: 7.8 miles
Elevation Range: 460′-920′
Gear: microspikes, snowshoes
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes
Preston Powerline Trail
The overnight ice storm sweeping Pacific Northwest left the roads under an ice sheet. Since the streets resembled an ice rink, I decided to play it safe and stay near home. So I left the car parked and loop-walked the area.
I put on microspikes and soon walked up to Preston Powerline Trail behind the house. Then I took the same route after the snowstorm in early 2020. The flurries stopped at some point as I walked in inches of snow toward High Point.

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High Point to Issaquah-Preston Trail
But I went farther west this time, not realizing the trail didn’t touch the road at High Point. So I went through some blackberry vines before the pavement by Tiger Mountain entrance. Later, I used the underpass to the other side.
I strolled along the fence above Issaquah Creek while hugging the concrete wall. It was just as icy on this side but with less snow over the trail. There was noticeably less traffic as I listened to the sounds of the passing cars.

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Looping Back to Preston Way
Soon, the trail merged with High Point Way as I continued down the path to the Fall City exit. Then I walked the overpass back to the south side. The area looked dead frozen, assuming most were wise to stay in also.
For more exercise, I wandered down to the gate at Blue Sky RV. Back at the fork, I went onto the other street and turned around by the private road. Then it was a one-mile, quiet walk through the ice back to the house.

See more trip photos here.