Devils Slide 6 by Deep Devil in North Fork Snoqualmie / 魔鬼的六號滑梯

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Devils Slide 6 by Deep Devil lies in North Fork Snoqualmie River Valley. It overlooks Black Lake on the south. Meanwhile, the nearby Tolt River flows 16 miles through Carnation before draining into the Snoqualmie River.

Devils Slide 6 above Black Lake
Devils Slide 6 above Black Lake

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Devils Slide 6 at a Glance

Access: NF-5700 @ Gate 11 (permit info)
Round Trip: 9 miles
Elevation Range: 1080′-2000′
Gear: none
Route Info: Rich P
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes

Campbell Global Tree Farm

The increased pricing would have been in place when I wrote this post. I thought I’d visit the tree farm more often and hike up all the named hills. But I only came four times during the last permit season.

Snoqualmie Permits

I took Thanksgiving week off and decided to hike daily as long as the weather held. We didn’t visit the peak last season, so we returned today before the snow came. But it was also an excuse to make my permit money’s worth.

A memorial by Black Lake
A memorial by Black Lake

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En Route to Black Lake

From the unsigned Gate 11, it’s over two miles to Black Lake. The first mile was mainly tree views until the clear-cut forest, where today’s goal appeared. After getting photos by the lake and letting the dogs play in the water, we continued.

Turning right at the four-way took us around the north of the lake. Soon, down trees with fanning branches showed up at the switchback southeast of Devils Slide 6. Past the saddle was thin blackberry bushes through the narrow passage.

South panorama from Devils Slide 6
South panorama from Devils Slide 6

See more trip photos here.

Devils Slide 6 Summit

We entered the dense forest from the road’s end by the clear-cut debris. Then it was a .25-mile scramble before reaching the woodsy summit. A tiny clearing viewed the valley with McClain Peak, Fuller Mountain, and Lennox Mountain.

After the break, we returned to the opening we saw earlier lower down. There we could see Puget Sound and the Olympic Mountains. On the way out, the dogs got another dip in the lake before strolling back to the car.

Finding our way home
Finding our way home

See more trip photos here.

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