Wallaby Peak 7995 by Big Kangaroo is one of the several high points on Kangaroo Ridge. It also shares a ridgeline with Kangaroo Temple to the south. Best of all, its proximity to the highway makes for a great short day outing.

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Wallaby Peak at a Glance
Access: Washington Pass hairpin turn
Round Trip: 4.4 miles
Elevation Range: 5160′-7995′
Gear: helmet, ice ax, microspikes
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: no
The Preface
Yesterday, the pup and I took a trip up McLeod Mountain. On the way home, we slept by Washington Pass hairpin turn. So we could make the long drive worthwhile by visiting Wallaby Peak also.
In the morning, we awoke to the sound of cars. Several groups of climbers were getting ready for Kangaroo Temple. Then the two skiers showed up later went up to the couloir south of the Early Winters Spires.

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En Route to Kangaroo Pass 6671
Soon, we were heading southeast in the Early Winters Creek Basin. The snow was still firm from the low overnight temperatures. Though, ice showed up as terrain steepened at 6200′.
I realized I had forgotten my crampons back in the car. As we were about to turn around, I found microspikes in my pack’s side pocket from yesterday. So I used them to go through the icy places.

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Wallaby Peak Southwest Ridge
We climbed another 200′ on moderate terrain in the upper basin. Then the slopes steepened again in the final 300′ up to Kangaroo Pass 6671. Soon, I caught sight of our last year’s climb Marsupial Peak from there.
Recent tracks allowed us to move efficiently on the southwest ridge. When snow first dwindled at 7200′, we went to the south face through the access notch. Then we continued up the steep terrain to the crux.

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Steep South Face Finish
Crampons would’ve been helpful through the snow arête. I carefully moved up with the ice ax and microspikes and tried hard not to look down the deep gully. But the pup flew past effortlessly and waited atop the ramp.
The terrain steepened past the snow, where we went back on scree with lots of loose rocks in the gully. Glad I brought my helmet since the pup kicked down stones a few times. Then we went over some snow plus scree to reach the top.

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Wallaby Peak Summit Views
I had been waiting for this view since we left the car, and it was gorgeous! I could also see as far as Mount Baker and the Picket Range to the north. Big Kangaroo, Silver Star Mountain, and Gilbert Mountain were right next door.
But the best part was seeing Washington Pass as more cars had pulled up to the hairpin turn. We stayed a while as I flipped through the summit register. The two entries from yesterday looked like the season’s first ascents.

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Back at the crux, I faced in to gain better traction with the spikes. But once we went past this part, going back to the pass was a breeze. It wasn’t yet slushy, so snowshoes stayed on my pack for the rest of the trip.
We got back in the early afternoon. Then there were a ton more cars by the hairpin turn. I talked to two skiers who had just finished the Blue Lake Basin ski tour. That basin was the happening place today.

See more trip photos here.
Do you have a GPS track available? I’d like to take a closer look at the route.