2016/1/16 – Ebey’s Landing II / 艾比碼頭之二

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Sunset over Olympic Mountains
Sunset over Olympic Mountains

Photos from this trip can be found here.

Yet another wet weekend for WA State, but luckily this region’s precipitation forecast was lower other parts of the state. Took Highway 20 since we started late in the day, and more time would have been wasted trying to coordinate with ferry schedules.

Three or four cars in the parking lot when the pups and I arrived in the afternoon. Looked like a few signs had been put up since our last visit to better guide the hikers through private property. End of Cemetery Road marked the starting point of the .75-mile trail leading to Pacific Northwest Trail that ran along side the bluffs. The initial .25 mile getting through residential area seemed uninteresting, but on the rest of the trail views to the Puget Sound as well as the expansive farmland directly in front were to be had.

We headed west on the Pacific Northwest Trail like the time before, and hiked counterclockwise while enjoying views of the Olympic Mountains along the way. There wasn’t a whole lot of elevation gain or loss until the signed junction one mile ahead, where the main trail dropped down to the beach after two big switchbacks. At the junction we took a right to scope out the higher lookout area, and then scrambled down to the beach via the sandy slopes just before reaching the residential area.

We ran into two hikers on the way to the beach and saw a few more hikers walking along the beach below. After spending a couple of hours hanging out at the beach and playing with the pups, we then made our way out after a glorious sunset.

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