Azurite Peak by Mount Ballard and Golden Horn + Methow Valley / 石青峯

  • Reading time:5 mins read

The yellow pup and I came back from Buck Mountain a few days ago. Then this weekend, I met up with Lindsay to climb Azurite Peak. I also met two of her friends on this outing.

Azurite Peak summit ridge
Azurite Peak summit ridge

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Azurite Peak at a Glance

Access: West Fork Methow Trailhead
Round Trip: 23 miles
Elevation Range: 3640′-8400′
Gear: helmet, overnight
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: no

Azurite Peak

I finally checked off this peak from the Bulger List. I had tried combining it with Mount Ballard to the north two years ago. But that trip ended up being one of the most exhausting outings for the pups and me.

But this time, I came back through Methow Valley instead. Before the trip, I had kept my fingers crossed for no brush. Apart from having the company of three partners, it was overall a pleasant and scenic trip.

A beautiful morning in the North Cascades
A beautiful morning in the North Cascades

See more trip photos here.

A Change in Plans

Our initial plan was to climb Kimtah and Cosho Peaks on the Ragged Ridge. But the lousy forecast to the southeast made us look to a different option. Surprisingly, weather in Pasayten Wilderness turned out more decent than the original outlook for the weekend.

The four of us slept by the trailhead the night before. So we could get an early start the next morning. The first crux was bypassing the recent landslide not long after we started walking. We had no way of going around the mess. So we dove right in and hoped for the best.

Landslide over Methow River
Landslide over Methow River

See more trip photos here.

Pacific Crest Trail

Then next came the half-hanging wooden bridge. It was virtually on its last legs, but it was still functional.

To be continued…

See more trip photos here.

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