Argonaut Peak of Stuart Range by Colchuck Peak / 阿格納特峯

  • Reading time:6 mins read

Argonaut Peak of Stuart Range is the fifth-highest point next to Colchuck Peak. Meanwhile, the peak rises above Ingalls Creek and Teanaway Backcountry to the south. Its famous neighbors include Colchuck Peak and Sherpa Peak.

Argonaut Peak south gully
Argonaut Peak south gully

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Argonaut Peak at a Glance

Access: Fourth Creek Trail
Round Trip: TBD
Elevation Range: 3600′-8453′
Gear: helmet
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: no

The Preface

This year, I opened my climbing season with Argonaut Peak. And the weather was gorgeous! I expected a long day ahead. So I started early on Beverly Turnpike Trail.

But the downside of coming in from the south was dropping down to Ingalls Creek. So it meant having to hike back up on Fourth Creek Trail on the exit.

En route to Fourth Creek Pass
En route to Fourth Creek Pass

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Argonaut Peak South Route

I had also read about the awful slide alder at the bottom of the south gully. Though I tried avoiding it, it was unsuccessful. During this, I spent forty-five minutes swimming through a sea of thickets.

It felt like a lifetime to go through the vegetation as I threw around many colorful words, of course. The broad gully was easy to pinpoint from below. Then I was up by the steep snow before long.

Above the trees
Above the trees

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The Final Stretch

My only regret was not to bring the crampons as they were helpful in the gully. But I was able to make my way up through shallow moats. So I could at least keep away from the steep ice.

The section below the ridgeline required a couple of 4th class moves. Though, it was the extent of the overall crux on this peak. Soon, I was up near today’s goal.

Below the 4th class crux
Below the 4th class crux

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Argonaut Peak Summit Views Plus Exit

The last part below the summit required moving through a vertical gap under slanted boulders. Later I spotted recent boot prints in the snow. So I knew I was still on track.

Views to Teanaway Backcountry and Stuart Range were great. So I spent an hour on top enjoying the scenery. Later I slowly made my way down to Ingalls Creek and hiked out.

The second tallest non-volcanic peak in Washington State
The second tallest non-volcanic peak in Washington State

See more trip photos here.

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