Hoodoo Peak + Raven Ridge by Mount Bigelow via Libby Creek / 覡峯

  • Reading time:3 mins read

Hoodoo Peak and Raven Ridge by Mount Bigelow stand atop Raven Ridge. At the same time, they rank #3 and #4 highest, respectively, on Sawtooth Ridge after Star Peak. The peaks are close enough to climb in one trip.

Hoodoo Peak from Raven Ridge
Hoodoo Peak from Raven Ridge

See more trip photos here.

Hoodoo Peak and Raven Ridge at a Glance

Spirit Slam = Hoodoo Peak + Raven Ridge

Access: Libby Lake Trailhead
Round Trip: TBD
Elevation Range: 4440′-7572′
Gear: helmet
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: with guidance

The Climb

We arrived at the campsite by the tarn in the late afternoon. Then we managed to fit Hoodoo Peak in before sunset.

Kodak moment on Hoodoo Peak
Kodak moment on Hoodoo Peak

The next day, going up through the snow ramps to the ridge was a little tricky for the pups. The ridge traverse was much longer than the day before. Plus, there were lots of giant boulders to navigate through.

Kodak moment on Raven Ridge
Kodak moment on Raven Ridge

See more trip photos here.

Later we saw another group on the way back to camp. Then we met another party on the way back to the trailhead. It was yet another beautiful weather weekend!

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