Taylor Lookout by Taylor Mountain is a minor overlook across South Tiger Mountain in Issaquah Alps. It sits right outside the extensive Cedar River Watershed. Meanwhile, to the southwest lies Taylor Mountain Forest‘s vast trail system.

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Taylor Mountain at a Glance
Access: Tiger Summit south pullout
Round Trip: 3.8 miles
Elevation Range: 1360′-2600′
Gear: none
Route Info: Max Schrempp
GPS Track: available
Dog-Friendly: yes
The Preface
After a long trip to North Fork Snoqualmie River Valley, I needed a relaxing day. So I stayed near the house and explored Taylor Lookout between Tiger Mountain and Rattlesnake Mountain. The dogs rested at home.
Despite the short drive south on Highway 18, I couldn’t go straight into the pullout. The median had kept me from pulling into the lot across Tiger Mountain Trailhead. So I took the next exit and backtracked north.

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Taylor Lookout North Route
Only one car and a semi-truck were in the trashy lot as most people were across the street. Soon, I followed a trail behind the guard rail into the forest. The winding path took me out to the powerline clearing in 500′.
After crossing the clearing, I hiked the grassy road up the mild incline. A few dead trees lay over the old roadway but were easy to bypass. Soon, the path moved to the east of the crest and then west before the borrow pit.

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The Final Stretch
Being next to the highway, the constant swooshing sounds of cars were inevitable but easy to tune out. Views in the dense forest were spotty. But I could still see Tiger Mountain through the leafless aspen trees.
At 1700′, the path returned to the ridgeline and stayed close to the crest the rest of the way. Northern peaks started to poke out from behind the nearby ridges as I rose. Soon, I was at the lookout area two miles from the car.

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Taylor Lookout Views
A firepit with a makeshift grill from a fan adorned Taylor Lookout. But the views weren’t as superb as I had in mind. So to see better of anything required me to poke my head around the thin brush mixed.
I stood over a blackberry bush pile to better view Mount Rainier. Then I went down the west by the old logging litter to see into Cedar River Valley. I also spotted Mount Baker, Mount Pilchuck, and Twin Sisters Mountain.

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I expected to see people enjoying the day since the lookout was just off the road. But no one showed up even after my extended visit. Afterward, I dillydallied my way down by making several stops for photos.
I didn’t plan on staying long but had hoped to loop hike down to the powerline. But the spur roads I saw went in different directions and didn’t connect. So I retraced my steps through the clearcut back to the car.

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