Photos from this trip can be found here.
Two corrections on current WTA directions from the south for first-timers.
- “…Head north on SR-525 for 19 22 miles to a junction with SR-20.”
- “…right turn for
CookCemetery Road. Drive to the end ofCookCemetery Road to the Prairie Overlook trailhead.”
Directions from the north bypassing Mukilteo Ferry:
- From I-5, take Exit 230 and head west on Highway 20. At mile 12 (Sharpes Corner – Highway 20 South starts here), turn left and drive south along Whidbey Island through the town of Oak Harbor. Approximately 16 miles from turnoff.
- Continue on Highway 20 for another 9 miles and turn right onto Sherman Road.
- Turn right onto Cemetery Road. Drive to the end of Cemetery Road to the Prairie Overlook trailhead.
Holy moly, windy afternoon! Our third visit here and the windiest yet. Parked at the Prairie Overlook lot, strong wind was immediately felt the minute pups and I stepped out of the car. We walked past the additional parking lot toward Prairie Ridge Trail. Sun shone through thick , broken clouds just as we got on the trail.
Views to Port Townsend and parts of northeastern Olympic Peninsula were great at the junction with Bluff Trail, perfect vantage point for a photo op. Fort Casey Historical State Park few miles south was also visible. From here, we made a right onto Bluff Trail and followed it northwestward like both times before. Totally lucked out with the weather, as forecast predicted 70% chance precipitation here, and snow and rain all of the Cascade crest.
Trail traced along edge of bluffs next to the forest and overlooked the entire one-mile stretch of Perego’s Lagoon. At northwest end of lagoon trail made its descent. Several new “private property beyond this point” signs had been placed nearby since our last visit in January. We were down on the beach just two or three switchbacks later.
Water level was higher than usual with not much land area left to stroll. Wind grew stronger by the water, at times rather uncomfortable. Fortunately I found momentary relief behind a big log few yards from the water. Pups seemed too preoccupied with chasing each other and chewing on sticks to pay any attention to the wind. Great late afternoon views out to Puget Sound, sun rays pierced through cumulus clouds by the Olympic Mountains.
Normally we would make a loop of the hike by walking along the beach, going back up to the trail junction through south parking lot to hike out. This time I opted to go back on the trail for a less windy return.