Low Mountain recently made it to my list of winter hikes after seeing a couple of trip reports online. Just as any other scramble we’ve done before, I wish we had started earlier to take advantage of the daylight. Luckily the winter solstice took place a couple of weeks ago, so now we’re getting a couple more minutes of daylight per day.
The fact that it’s a scramble, Low Mountain doesn’t get much visit from hikers who prefer an actual, visible trail. Most who start at the Denny Creek trailhead either go to Melakwa Lake or nearby waterfalls. But that’s good news for us, for that the chance of seeing anyone else on the mountain would be pretty slim to none.
The scramble starts just after the Denny Creek crossing. Getting halfway up head of the basin was no big deal, but getting onto the upper meadows and the east east had some serious elevation gain. Once we’re on the ridge it was a piece of cake to follow along the ridge line to the summit. I put on snowshoes after getting to the meadows and used them all the way to the summit.
While on the summit it got extremely windy and I could tell the dogs were ready to go back down after being fed. It was too windy to enjoy the limited views we were able to get with the clouds rolling in and out of the area. We got back down to the basin at sunset time and hiked back to the car in the dark.